The Brilin community is dedicated to the support of those with
health problems and chronic conditions such as cancer.
Brilin is recognised as one of the more advanced bio-energetic and resonant frequency centres in the southern hemisphere and attracts clients from far and wide including overseas.
Many have found the support at Brilin beneficial. The Centre provides up-to-date information and possible options that can be discussed with health professionals.
Ask Dr. Gerald Lewis (MD)
Click Here for Online Medical Advice
Discover the best of Modern Medicine, Complementary Medicine & Alternative Medicine.
Dr Gerald Lewis: MB ChB, FRACP, FRCP (UK), MD (Otago)
Specialist General Physician, Cardiologist and Clinical Pharmacologist
Dr. Gerald Lewis is not a part of Brilin in anyway other than a professional friendship. We simply have put a link to his website here as we trust and respect his advice
Brilin researchers have been investigating evidence-based root causes of chronic health conditions since 2010.
Blending Science, Nature and Functional Medicine for all the family
Words from Dr. Monica Lewis
for all the family of all ages
Researching evidence based, underlying 'root causes' of health issues including chronic diseases and cancer since 2010
Clinics in Timaru and Christchurch
+ Functional Medicine Health Coaching
(by William Bisset - Director of Brilin)
In 2008, my sister Linda was celebrating her seventh child. That celebration ended abruptly upon being diagnosed with cancer and was told she had months to live. Around the same time, mother had a stroke and it was discovered she too was riddled with cancer along with my father (who initially headed the project). Sadly, all three passed away before the Brilin Project was fully developed.
The name Brilin combines Brian Kenton’s name (an uncle who contributed funds) and Linda’s name: Bri(an) + Lin(da) forming BriLin.
Brilin today owes its success by attracting a range of passionate and dedicated people including health professionals who gave their time freely to help develop this unique and exciting project. Losing family to cancer motivated me to question the driving forces behind disease
Therefore, I have dedicated my life to functional medicine and am committed to seeing the Brilin Project at the forefront of quantum medicine. I will continue to research and share the latest developments in chronic degenerative diseases especially cancer.
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