"The wound healing effects of BIOPTRON light therapy is undoubtedly associated with improvement of blood microcirculation, enhancement of the trophic function of blood, but also with increase of concentration in blood serum of growth factors and some cytokines" - Professor Samoilova, PhD, DSci, Prof International leader in Photobiology and Photomedicine

BIOPTRON is clinically tested & certified for the medical treatment of wounds.
The Medical Light therapy device can be used for:
- Wound healing after trauma
- Burns
- Skin graft healing
- Wound healing after surgery
- Venous leg ulcers (stasis ulcers)
- Decubitus (pressure ulcers)
1ST day after BLT
2 weeks after BLT
3 months after BLT
THE experience of our laboratory investigation in the field of Photobiology and Photomedicine exceeds 50 years, while the period of intensive studies on BIOPTRON therapy is as long as 18 years. Our great interest to this phototherapeutic modality is based on the unique properties of BIOPTRON light that simulates dominant components of the terrestrial solar radiation – polychromatic visible and infrared radiation with power density, characteristic of a summer day’s in Europe. These 2 parts of solar spectrum occupy about 97% of the solar radiation on the Earth’s surface. Hence, we deal with a very important environmental factor, which allows us to consider reactions to the light of human and animal organisms as an adoptive response to the light exposures that was developed during a long period of evolution.
For the last several years, we studied the effect of BIOPTRON light on the blood properties that are important for regenerative and metabolic processes. Because the blood movement rate in circulation is determined by red blood cells, we investigated their rheological properties. It was shown that in 0.5-24 hrs after a single irradiation of volunteers with deformability, red blood cells increased, while their viscosity fell. Simultaneously the transport function, (in particular, oxygen transport) enhanced, which resulted to increase of partial oxygen pressure in blood.In parallel, disaggregation of platelets and increase of anti-coagulation activity of plasma components were observed, which seems to determine the development of anti-thrombotic effect of BIOPTRON-light: irradiation of the rat femoral arteries completely blocked (prevented) development in this vessels of the experimentally induced irrevesal thrombosis.
An important role in trophic function of blood belongs to its circulation rate in micro-vessels. According to our observation, as soon as 2 minutes after irradiation of a small body area the rate of microcirculation in volunteers and patients with Type II diabetes mellitus increased both locally and in remote tissues (i.e. at the systemic level). The optimum increase of microcirculation rate was observed at 30 minutes, (up to 47%).The evidence was obtained in our study that in both cases the increase of microcirculation rate resulted from activation of synthesis of nitric oxide (NO) – the most important vasodilatator that is secreted by vascular endothelial cells and platelets.Apart from the improvement of microcirculation and enhancement of the transport function of blood, the correction of some indices of metabolic processes was recorded: after exposure to BIOPTRON light in volunteers’ blood the level of glucose and atherogenic lipids (triglycerides, cholesterol, β-lipoproteins) fell, while the content of anti-atherogenic lipids, (α-lipoproteins) increased.Wound healing effects of BIOPTRON light therapy is undoubtedly associated with improvement of blood microcirculation, enhancement of the trophic function of blood, but also with increase of concentration in blood serum of growth factors and some cytokines.
We had also demonstrated, that addition to culture media of 2.5% of serum, isolated from blood of volunteers or patients with Breast Cancer I-II stages after 7-10 daily post-surgery exposures to BIOPTRON light, significantly stimulated proliferation of keratinocytes, endotheliocytes and fibroblasts basic participants of wound healing process, but inhibited proliferation of several lines of human tumor cells.In experiments with laboratory animals, it was shown that exposure to BIOPTRON light decelerates the growth of malignant tumors (murine hepatoma) both after light treatment of mice with tumors, and after direct exposure to light of tumor cells themselves with their subsequent transplantation to syngeneic mice.
The mechanism of anti-tumor effect of BIOPTRON light was not associated with cytotoxic or cytostatic action of light on cells, but was a consequence of structural changes of tumor cell surface which enhanced their recognition by natural killer cells – main effectors of the innate anti-tumor immunity.As a consequence, cytolitic activity of natural killer cells increased which resulted in the death of the light-irradiated tumor cells. Mechanism of anti-tumor effect of BIOPTRON light in case of photoirradiation of tumor-bearing mice needs to be studied in the future. However, in our opinion the oncological safety of BIOPTRON light therapy has been already proved.All the above data was published in main international journals on Photomedicine and Photobiology (Photomedicine and Laser Surgery, Photochemical and Photobiological Sciences, Photochemistry and Photobiology, Laser Therapy, Photodiagnosis and Photodynamic therapy, Lasers in Medical Sciences etc).SHORT INFORMATION:For 18 years of intensive studies of BIOPTRON light effects in human we could elucidate mechanisms of main systemic effects – anti-inflammatory, immunomodulatory, wound healing, anti-tumor and normalization of metabolic processes.
These effects are developing due to transcutaneous photomodification of blood in the upper skin vasculature. It is noteworthy, that irradiation of small area of the body surface leads to changes in the entire circulating blood volume. It is undoubtedly associated with unique physical peculiarities of BIOPTRON light: its polychromatic visible and infrared components simulates spectral and power density parameters of two dominant kinds of the terrestrial Solar radiation - the main environmental factor. During evolution they could promote the development in living organisms the adoptive beneficial mechanisms of light utilization.Reference List, (Prof. Samoilova et al.)
Samoilova K.A., Obolenskaya K.D, Vologdina A.V., Snopov S.A., Shevchenko E.V. Single skin exposure to visible polarized light induces rapid modification of entire circulating blood. 1. Improvement of rheologic and immune parameters. Proc. SPIE. –1998. – Vol. 3569. P. 90-103.
Samoilova K.A., Zubanova O.I., Snopov S.A., Mukhuradze N.A., Mikhelson V.M. Single skin exposure to visible polarized light induces rapid modification of entire circulating blood. 2. Appearance of soluble factors restoring proliferation and chromosome structure in X-damaged lymphocytes. – Proc. SPIE, 1998, 3569: 26-33.
Zhevago N.A., Samoilova K.A., Glazanova T.V., Pavlova I.E., Bubnova L.N., Rosanova O.E., Obolenskaya K.D. Exposures of human body surface to polychromatic (visible + infrared) polarized light modulate a membrane phenotype of the peripheral blood mononuclear cells. Laser Technology. – 2002. – Vol. 12 (1). – P. 7-24.
Obolenskaya K.D., Samoilova K.A. Comparative study of effects of polarized and non-polarized light on human blood in vivo and in vitro. I. Phagocytosis of monocytes and granulocytes. Laser Technology. –2002 – Vol. 12(2-3). P.7-13.
Zhevago N.A., Samoilova K.A., Obolenskaya K.D. The regulatory effect of polychromatic (visible and infrared) light on human humoral immunity. Photochemical and Photobiological Sciences – 2004. – Vol. 3, №.1. – P.102-108.
Samoilova K.A., Bogacheva O.N., Obolenskaya K.D., Blinova M.I., Kalmykova N. V., Kuzminikh E.V. 2004. Enhancement of the blood growth promoting activity after exposure of volunteers to visible and infrared polarized light. I. Stimulation of human keratinocyte proliferation in vitro. Photochemical and Photobiological Sciences – 2004. – Vol. 3, №.1. – P.96-101.
, , , , , , .Enhancement of fibroblast growth promoting activity of human blood after its irradiation in vivo (transcutaneously) and in vitro with visible and infrared polarized light. –. – 2004. – Vol.46(2). – 159-171.
Zhevago N.A., Samoilova K.A. Pro- and anti-inflammatory cytokine content in the human peripheral blood after its transcutaneous and direct (in vitro) irradiation with polychromatic visible and infrared light. Photomedicine and Laser Surgery. – 2006. – Vol. 24(2). – P.129-139.
Zhevago N.A., Samoilova K.A., Calderhead R.G. Polychromatic light similar to the terrestrial solar spectrum without its UV component stimulates DNA synthesis in human peripheral blood lymphocytes in vivo and in vitro. Photochemistry Photobiology. – 2006. – Vol. 82(5). – P.1301-1308.
Knyazev NA., Samoilova KA, Filatova NA, Galaktionova AA. Effect of polychromatic light on proliferation of tumor cells under condition in vitro and in vivo – after implantation to experimental animals. –Proc. SPIE. –2009. – Vol.1142. – P.79-86.
Zhevago NA, Samoilova KA, Davydova NI, Bychkova NV, Glazanova TV, Chubukina ZhV, Buiniakova AI, Zimin AA. Vopr Kurortol Fizioter Lech Fiz Kult. – 2012. – Vol.4. – P.23-32.
Filatova N.A., Knyazev N.A., Kosheverova V.V, Shatrova A.N., Samoilova K.A. – 2013. – Vol.7(6). – P. 573-577.
Knyazev NA, Filatova NA, Samoilova KA. Proliferation and tumorigenity of murine hepatoma cells . Cell and Tissue Biology. – 2013. – Vol.7(1). – P.79-85.
Samoilova KA, Zimin AA, Buinyakova AI, Makela AM, Zhevago NA. – Photomedicine and Laser Surgery. –2015. – Vol. 33(11). – P.555-563.
Knyazev NA, Samoilova KA, Abrahamse H, Filatova NA. – Photomedicine and Laser Surgery. – 2015. – Vol. 33(4). – P.185-192.

1ST day after BLT
2 weeks after BLT
3 months after BLT
BIOPTRON is clinically tested & certified for the medical treatment of wounds.
The Medical Light therapy device can be used for:
- Wound healing after trauma
- Burns
- Skin graft healing
- Wound healing after surgery
- Venous leg ulcers (stasis ulcers)
- Decubitus (pressure ulcers)
"The wound healing effects of BIOPTRON light therapy is undoubtedly associated with improvement of blood microcirculation, enhancement of the trophic function of blood, but also with increase of concentration in blood serum of growth factors and some cytokines" - Professor Samoilova, PhD, DSci, Prof International leader in Photobiology and Photomedicine
THE experience of our laboratory investigation in the field of Photobiology and Photomedicine exceeds 50 years, while the period of intensive studies on BIOPTRON therapy is as long as 18 years. Our great interest to this phototherapeutic modality is based on the unique properties of BIOPTRON light that simulates dominant components of the terrestrial solar radiation – polychromatic visible and infrared radiation with power density, characteristic of a summer day’s in Europe. These 2 parts of solar spectrum occupy about 97% of the solar radiation on the Earth’s surface. Hence, we deal with a very important environmental factor, which allows us to consider reactions to the light of human and animal organisms as an adoptive response to the light exposures that was developed during a long period of evolution.
For the last several years, we studied the effect of BIOPTRON light on the blood properties that are important for regenerative and metabolic processes. Because the blood movement rate in circulation is determined by red blood cells, we investigated their rheological properties. It was shown that in 0.5-24 hrs after a single irradiation of volunteers with deformability, red blood cells increased, while their viscosity fell. Simultaneously the transport function, (in particular, oxygen transport) enhanced, which resulted to increase of partial oxygen pressure in blood.In parallel, disaggregation of platelets and increase of anti-coagulation activity of plasma components were observed, which seems to determine the development of anti-thrombotic effect of BIOPTRON-light: irradiation of the rat femoral arteries completely blocked (prevented) development in this vessels of the experimentally induced irrevesal thrombosis.
An important role in trophic function of blood belongs to its circulation rate in micro-vessels. According to our observation, as soon as 2 minutes after irradiation of a small body area the rate of microcirculation in volunteers and patients with Type II diabetes mellitus increased both locally and in remote tissues (i.e. at the systemic level). The optimum increase of microcirculation rate was observed at 30 minutes, (up to 47%).The evidence was obtained in our study that in both cases the increase of microcirculation rate resulted from activation of synthesis of nitric oxide (NO) – the most important vasodilatator that is secreted by vascular endothelial cells and platelets.Apart from the improvement of microcirculation and enhancement of the transport function of blood, the correction of some indices of metabolic processes was recorded: after exposure to BIOPTRON light in volunteers’ blood the level of glucose and atherogenic lipids (triglycerides, cholesterol, β-lipoproteins) fell, while the content of anti-atherogenic lipids, (α-lipoproteins) increased.Wound healing effects of BIOPTRON light therapy is undoubtedly associated with improvement of blood microcirculation, enhancement of the trophic function of blood, but also with increase of concentration in blood serum of growth factors and some cytokines.
We had also demonstrated, that addition to culture media of 2.5% of serum, isolated from blood of volunteers or patients with Breast Cancer I-II stages after 7-10 daily post-surgery exposures to BIOPTRON light, significantly stimulated proliferation of keratinocytes, endotheliocytes and fibroblasts basic participants of wound healing process, but inhibited proliferation of several lines of human tumor cells.In experiments with laboratory animals, it was shown that exposure to BIOPTRON light decelerates the growth of malignant tumors (murine hepatoma) both after light treatment of mice with tumors, and after direct exposure to light of tumor cells themselves with their subsequent transplantation to syngeneic mice.
The mechanism of anti-tumor effect of BIOPTRON light was not associated with cytotoxic or cytostatic action of light on cells, but was a consequence of structural changes of tumor cell surface which enhanced their recognition by natural killer cells – main effectors of the innate anti-tumor immunity.As a consequence, cytolitic activity of natural killer cells increased which resulted in the death of the light-irradiated tumor cells. Mechanism of anti-tumor effect of BIOPTRON light in case of photoirradiation of tumor-bearing mice needs to be studied in the future. However, in our opinion the oncological safety of BIOPTRON light therapy has been already proved.All the above data was published in main international journals on Photomedicine and Photobiology (Photomedicine and Laser Surgery, Photochemical and Photobiological Sciences, Photochemistry and Photobiology, Laser Therapy, Photodiagnosis and Photodynamic therapy, Lasers in Medical Sciences etc).SHORT INFORMATION:For 18 years of intensive studies of BIOPTRON light effects in human we could elucidate mechanisms of main systemic effects – anti-inflammatory, immunomodulatory, wound healing, anti-tumor and normalization of metabolic processes.
These effects are developing due to transcutaneous photomodification of blood in the upper skin vasculature. It is noteworthy, that irradiation of small area of the body surface leads to changes in the entire circulating blood volume. It is undoubtedly associated with unique physical peculiarities of BIOPTRON light: its polychromatic visible and infrared components simulates spectral and power density parameters of two dominant kinds of the terrestrial Solar radiation - the main environmental factor. During evolution they could promote the development in living organisms the adoptive beneficial mechanisms of light utilization.Reference List, (Prof. Samoilova et al.)
Samoilova K.A., Obolenskaya K.D, Vologdina A.V., Snopov S.A., Shevchenko E.V. Single skin exposure to visible polarized light induces rapid modification of entire circulating blood. 1. Improvement of rheologic and immune parameters. Proc. SPIE. –1998. – Vol. 3569. P. 90-103.
Samoilova K.A., Zubanova O.I., Snopov S.A., Mukhuradze N.A., Mikhelson V.M. Single skin exposure to visible polarized light induces rapid modification of entire circulating blood. 2. Appearance of soluble factors restoring proliferation and chromosome structure in X-damaged lymphocytes. – Proc. SPIE, 1998, 3569: 26-33.
Zhevago N.A., Samoilova K.A., Glazanova T.V., Pavlova I.E., Bubnova L.N., Rosanova O.E., Obolenskaya K.D. Exposures of human body surface to polychromatic (visible + infrared) polarized light modulate a membrane phenotype of the peripheral blood mononuclear cells. Laser Technology. – 2002. – Vol. 12 (1). – P. 7-24.
Obolenskaya K.D., Samoilova K.A. Comparative study of effects of polarized and non-polarized light on human blood in vivo and in vitro. I. Phagocytosis of monocytes and granulocytes. Laser Technology. –2002 – Vol. 12(2-3). P.7-13.
Zhevago N.A., Samoilova K.A., Obolenskaya K.D. The regulatory effect of polychromatic (visible and infrared) light on human humoral immunity. Photochemical and Photobiological Sciences – 2004. – Vol. 3, №.1. – P.102-108.
Samoilova K.A., Bogacheva O.N., Obolenskaya K.D., Blinova M.I., Kalmykova N. V., Kuzminikh E.V. 2004. Enhancement of the blood growth promoting activity after exposure of volunteers to visible and infrared polarized light. I. Stimulation of human keratinocyte proliferation in vitro. Photochemical and Photobiological Sciences – 2004. – Vol. 3, №.1. – P.96-101.
, , , , , , .Enhancement of fibroblast growth promoting activity of human blood after its irradiation in vivo (transcutaneously) and in vitro with visible and infrared polarized light. –. – 2004. – Vol.46(2). – 159-171.
Zhevago N.A., Samoilova K.A. Pro- and anti-inflammatory cytokine content in the human peripheral blood after its transcutaneous and direct (in vitro) irradiation with polychromatic visible and infrared light. Photomedicine and Laser Surgery. – 2006. – Vol. 24(2). – P.129-139.
Zhevago N.A., Samoilova K.A., Calderhead R.G. Polychromatic light similar to the terrestrial solar spectrum without its UV component stimulates DNA synthesis in human peripheral blood lymphocytes in vivo and in vitro. Photochemistry Photobiology. – 2006. – Vol. 82(5). – P.1301-1308.
Knyazev NA., Samoilova KA, Filatova NA, Galaktionova AA. Effect of polychromatic light on proliferation of tumor cells under condition in vitro and in vivo – after implantation to experimental animals. –Proc. SPIE. –2009. – Vol.1142. – P.79-86.
Zhevago NA, Samoilova KA, Davydova NI, Bychkova NV, Glazanova TV, Chubukina ZhV, Buiniakova AI, Zimin AA. Vopr Kurortol Fizioter Lech Fiz Kult. – 2012. – Vol.4. – P.23-32.
Filatova N.A., Knyazev N.A., Kosheverova V.V, Shatrova A.N., Samoilova K.A. – 2013. – Vol.7(6). – P. 573-577.
Knyazev NA, Filatova NA, Samoilova KA. Proliferation and tumorigenity of murine hepatoma cells . Cell and Tissue Biology. – 2013. – Vol.7(1). – P.79-85.
Samoilova KA, Zimin AA, Buinyakova AI, Makela AM, Zhevago NA. – Photomedicine and Laser Surgery. –2015. – Vol. 33(11). – P.555-563.
Knyazev NA, Samoilova KA, Abrahamse H, Filatova NA. – Photomedicine and Laser Surgery. – 2015. – Vol. 33(4). – P.185-192.
[1] T.Kubasova, M.Horvath, K. Kocsis and M.Fenyö: Effect of visible light on some cellular and immune parameters. Immunology and Cell Biology, 1995, 73; 239-244.[2] M.Fenyö, J.Mandl and A.Falus: Opposite effect of linearly polarized light on biosynthesis of interleukin-6 in a human B lymphoid cell line and peripheral human monocytes. Cell Biology International, 2002, 26(3); 265-269.[3] T.Kubasova, M.Fenyö, Z.Somosy, L.Gazso and I.Kertesz: Investigations on biological effect of polarized light. Photochemistry and Photobiology, 1988, 48; 505-509.[4] P.Bolton, M.Dyson and S.Young: The effect of polarized light on the release of growth factors from the U-937 macrophage-like cell line. Laser Therapy, 1992, 2(3); 33-37.[5] I.Kertesz, M.Fenyö, E.Mester and G.Bathory: Hypothetical physical model for laser dissimulation. Optics and Laser Technology, 1982, 16; 31-32.[6] K.A.Samoilova, K.D.Obolenskaya, A.V.Vologdina, S.A.Snopov and E.V.Shevchenko: Single skin exposure to visible light induces rapid modification of entire circulation blood - 1. Improvement of rheologic and immune parameters. Progress in Biomedical Optics/Proceedings of Low-Power Light on Biological Systems, 1998, IV; 90-103.[7] J.E.Roberts: Visible light induces changes in the immune response through an eye-brain mechanism (photoneuroimmunology), Journal of Photochemistry and Photobiology, B: Biology, 1995, 29(1); 3-15.
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[14] M.F.Ballyzek, V.Vesovic-Potic, X.He, A.Johnston: Efficacy of polarized, polychromatic, non-coherent light in the treatment of chronic musculoskeletal neck and shoulder pain. Unpublished material, BIOPTRON AG, Wollerau, Switzerland (2005).[15] Stasinopoulos D. The use of polarized polychromatic non-coherent light as therapy for acute tennis elbow/lateral epicondylalgia: a pilot study. Photomedicine and Laser Surgery 2005;23(1):66-69.[16] D.Stasinopoulos, I.Stasinopoulos and M.I.Johnson: Treatment of carpal tunnel syndrome with polarized polychromatic noncoherent light (Bioptron light): a preliminary, prospective, open clinical trial. Photomedicine and Laser Surgery, 2005;23(2):225-228.[17] I.Stasinopoulos: Report of the rheumatology and rehabilitation centre. Unpublished material, Greece (1990).[18] Lymans'kyi I, Tamarova ZA, Huliar SO. [Suppression of visceral pain by action of the low intensity polarized light on acupuncture antinociceptive points]. Fiziol.Zh. 2003;49(5):43-51.
[19] Aronis, A.Braziotis, K.Kafouros, N.Pagratis, Th.Papakostas and P.Venetsanos: The action of visible polarized light on skin diseases. Poster presentation at the 18th International Congress of Dermatology, New York, USA (1992).[20] Bartos Z.; The use of the BIOPTRON Light Therapy System in the treatment of skin disorders; Kiskunfélegyháza City Hospital and Polyclinic Department of Dermatological and Venerreal Diseases; Experience report; Hungary (2004).[21] Charakida Aikaterini, Deaton Edward D. Charakida Marietta, Mouser Paul et al.; Phototherapy in the Treatment of Acne Vulgaris. What is the Role?; Am J Clin Dermatol; 5(4):211-216(2004).
[22] Burkin IA, Okateyev VS, 2004. The use of BIOPTRON Light Therapy in the treatment of children with musculoskeletal injuries. Clinical Experience Report. Traumatology Department, Sperandsky; Municipal Children's Hospital, Moscow, Russia.[23] Cerná O. The BIOPTRON Light Therapy in the life support and intensive care unit, Abstract, Congress Proceedings, Prague, Czechoslovakia 2005.[24] Khan MA, 2001, Report on use of BIOPTRON polychromatic incoherent polarized light in paediatrics, Experience Report. Russian Scientific Centre of Reconstructive Medicine and Balneotherapy, Moscow, Russia.[25] Khan MA, Erdes SI. Clinical efficiency of BIOPTRON polychromatic polarized light in the treatment of atopic dermatitis and frequent respiratory diseases in children, Allergology and Immunology in Paediatrics, N3 (14), September 2008.
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