“William captivated the crowd for nearly three hours by engaging with honesty, fun and humour, his presentation was animated while full of fact and theory. William has a profound knowledge which lingered with us for many months after his talk, I and many in our community reached out afterwards to William for more guidance on various functional medical issues. I have witnessed the ripples in our community with successful remedies following on after William’s expertise. He transformed us!”​ Vicki


"William spoke for a good two hours and the group found him to be articulate, warm and engaging, with a quirky sense of humour. He offered practical and current, science backed research on health and well being. The information was well received by the audience and questions were asked freely. The general feedback was that people wanted to hear more from William, as he is very knowledgeable on a variety of topics. The audience was keen to gain greater education, in regards to holistic health and well being. I have also heard William speak at a larger public event in Christchurch, where he was MC and again, his presence was warmly received and the audience was entertained by his sentiments. Overall, I find William to be a natural speaker and entertainer and I look forward to hearing him present again in the future. ~Emma"

Brilin Wellness Support Centre

Phone 0800 774 885